Mindfulness and Why it Matters
Merrett Sheridan Merrett Sheridan

Mindfulness and Why it Matters

In this week's video, we'll look at what embodying mindfulness truly means and how it can be integrated into real-world situations.

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Imposter Syndrome Isn’t Real
happiness Merrett Sheridan happiness Merrett Sheridan

Imposter Syndrome Isn’t Real

If you're tired of feeling like an imposter, I encourage you to watch the video and learn how to stop the struggle and embrace who you truly are. Remember, it's okay to not have all the answers or to make mistakes. We're all just trying to figure things out one step at a time.

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How to Find Your Happiness
Merrett Sheridan Merrett Sheridan

How to Find Your Happiness

This week, I’m sharing a video on what happiness is, how to get there, and how to let go of some of the disturbance and disconnect that you’re bound to experience at different points in life.

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Let Go of What’s in Your Way
Merrett Sheridan Merrett Sheridan

Let Go of What’s in Your Way

To live a truly authentic life, you need to let go of what’s in your way. Stop holding onto things that no longer serve you.

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Set Goals, Not Traps for Yourself
Merrett Sheridan Merrett Sheridan

Set Goals, Not Traps for Yourself

Your why, values, and goals change over time. And that means that the original goal you set might not align with where you want to go anymore. That’s okay!

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Setting Boundaries with Healthy Communication
Merrett Sheridan Merrett Sheridan

Setting Boundaries with Healthy Communication

In the video below, I’m sharing why boundaries are so important, the cost of not setting boundaries, and what happened when I tried to set boundaries with a close family member.

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