Choose Vulnerability Over Imposter Syndrome

We all suffer from it, but imposter syndrome can keep individuals distant from one another in the workplace. And, frankly, life and relationships too. It’s even prevalent in leaders and managers, despite what they’re showing to their teams.

The trick to combating this is two-fold. First, recognize that we all have insecurities, and show appreciation for team members and give positive feedback on what people are doing well.

In this video, I emphasize the importance of playfulness in the workplace, as it can put people at ease and reduce anxiety. By recognizing that we're more alike than different and being open and vulnerable about our own insecurities, we can create a more supportive and positive work environment. Ultimately, it’s important for leaders and managers to create the kind of environment they want to work in by showing appreciation for everyone on their team, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.


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Imposter Syndrome Isn’t Real